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Quick Links
Google Classroom
Google Classroom is our online portal where teachers share academic material, make announcements, post assignments, and discuss topics. Students can create and submit classwork through this portal. Students and parents can login to this portal using the student’s assigned email address.
Gradelink is our online platform for enrollment and grading. Parents can find their children's report cards and other information here.
Parent Volunteer Dashboard
Our parent volunteer dashboard posts available volunteer opportunities. Check back frequently to learn about chances to volunteer!
School Calendar
Staying up to date with SVA events is easy with SVA's Academic Calendar, which includes holidays, staff development days, parent-teacher conference, and other school-wide events. This calendar may be downloaded to your personal calendar by following the following link:
Drop Off & Pick-Up
Drop Off: Enter from the Washington Avenue entrance, proceed through the gate and to the right past the parking spaces on the left, and turn right to drop off students at the school’s gymnasium entrance. Proceed to the Leota Avenue entrance to exit the campus. All cars must make a right hand turn on Leota when exiting the campus.
Pick Up: Park in the parking lot located near the outdoor basketball area and pick up your child from their classroom. Once picked up, students and parents are to exit the gated campus area. Remember, all cars must exit using the Leota Avenue exit and make a right hand turn on Leota only. The use of the playground, field, gym, outdoor basketball courts, and classrooms are for extended care students and after school classes only.
Pre-Kindergarten students must be signed in and out by the parent/guardian daily, Parents cannot use the drop off lane for Pre-K students, and older siblings cannot sign a Pre-K student in or out.
KG - 8th Grade After-School Enrichment Program
Extended care is offered by After School Life for KG-8th students daily until 5:30 p.m. Parents can sign up for monthly payment plans as listed or pay $18/child/hour as the daily drop off rate. Any student who has not been picked at the end to the regular school day will be taken to extended care and the parent will be charged $18/child/hour. After 5:30 p.m., parents will be charged $10 for the first minute and $1 for each additional minute as a late charge.
Sign up Here:
Extended Care Schedule:
Monday-Friday 3:15 p.m.-5:30 p.m. (parents may pick up at any time)
Minimum Day 12:15 p.m.-5:30 p.m. (parents may pick up at any time)
Ramadan 2:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. (parents may pick up at any time)
Pre-K After-School Enrichment Program
Extended care is available for Pre-K students daily until 5:30 p.m. Extended Care is $18/child/hour. Any student who has not been picked at the end to the regular school day will be taken to extended care and the parent will be charged $18/child/hour. Late fees of $1 per minute apply for any child picked up after 5:30 p.m.
Our afterschool program engages students by providing the opportunity for activities and projects, group games, outdoor play time, homework completion, and free time.
Extended Care Schedule:
Monday-Friday 3:15 p.m.-5:30 p.m. (parents may pick up at any time)
Minimum Day 12:15 p.m.-5:30 p.m. (parents may pick up at any time)
Ramadan 2:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. (parents may pick up at any time)
Additional Registration Forms
- Report of Health Examination for School Entry (KG & 1st)
- Oral Health Assessment (KG)
- LIC 627 Consent for Medical Treatment (PreK)
- LIC 700 Identification and Emergency Information (PreK)
- LIC 995 Parents' Rights (PreK)
- LIC 701 Physician's Report (PreK)
- LIC 702 Health Report (PreK)
- LIC 613A Personal Rights (PreK)